Happy 100th Day of School!

Tuesday was the 100th day of school! Kindergarteners, first graders, and third graders spent some time planting flower seeds and bulbs in celebration this week. Kindergarteners learned about how a seed survives until it is planted, then planted California poppy and Rudbeckia seeds around the yard. While they were waiting for their turn to plant their seeds, students worked with a partner to observe and sort a variety of seeds.

First and third graders learned about flower bulbs- they are amazing plant factories that keep a flower alive year after year. Many students noticed how the flower bulbs look a lot like onions- bulbs we can eat! Every student got either a daffodil, tulip, or gladiolus bulb to draw. All of these drawings will be put together on posters, so we can keep track of how many bulbs we planted (we’re still calculating the final numbers!) and see if they all grow in the spring. Students took turns planting the bulbs all around and, while they waited, they either sorted seeds or honed in on their observation skills and went on a color hunt around the garden. Now we’re all waiting in anticipation to see how many bloom in the coming months!


seed sorting


a few classes’ worth of bulb drawings


check out how much detail the 1st graders included!


measuring the holes to make sure they’re deep enough


our Magnolia bed will be bursting with flowers in the spring!

Fifth graders spent some time with our red wiggler worms this week! They answered some research questions while they held and observed the worms. Students also did some research for planning our spring vegetable garden. Using a seasonal planting chart and reading seed packets, each student picked out one or two plants they would like to have growing in our garden this year. They each filled out a small piece of paper writing the name of their chosen plant, why they want to plant it, when it can grow, and other interesting facts they know about the plant. I’m excited to compile their wishes and start to get seeds and plants!


planting charts and seed packets ready for research


So many great ideas for what we can grow this year! I’m looking forward to reading through them…

Now that every class has met the worms, they’ve moved into their permanent home- the big green worm bin! We’re going to let them rest for a little bit so they can settle in, but students are looking forward to seeing them again soon!


– Taryn

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